Saturday, 30 March 2013

Kindnesses 88 and 89

Yesterday was a fun day for the family. I wanted to make Easter weekend fun for the kids so I spent three hours making egg-shaped sugar cookies and coloured icing and decorating them with J. Then I took both kids out to deliver them around the neighbourhood. First we went across the street and took some to our friends, and then the new neighbours who moved in because there was a little girl playing out front. We walked down the street to give some to our other friends but they weren't home. On the way we gave every child we saw an Easter cookie. There was a boy in the doorway with his father that we didn't know so he got a cookie, although his dad took it because he was afraid of us. Our next door neighbour got some too, and I sent some off to my sister so my nieces and nephew could have a treat too.

Today I was grocery shopping. Let me state for the record that the crowded grocery store and rude cashiers didn't put me in a charitable mood. I still donated $5 to a local children's sports team on the way out though. I was rooting around for change but I got fed up quickly because  I was in such a rush to leave the zoo that sells food that I just grabbed a five dollar bill and threw it in the bucket. So I guess the craziness actually made me more charitable.

Kindness 87

I had an appointment today which allowed me the excuse to go buy a coffee. I was fully intending to use the free one I confiscated from my husband, but instead I gave that one away to the person behind me. It was a mother with three kids who looked like she could use a coffee. Since I only had one of my children with me at the time, she needed it far more than I did. She thanked me and her three year old asked me if I had one for a free donut. It happened that I did, and since I don't eat them I asked the mom if it was all right. She said yes and took the donut too.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Kindnesses 85 and 86

Yesterday I took E to the resource centre. I donated two huge boxes of toys to their toy lending library. I was also very polite to everyone I saw and opened the door for two people coming out of the cafe. I also drove my friend to book club so she could indulge in sharing some wine with the girls.

Today I was at the gym with the kids and saw another mom who is on the bus all the time. I had told her the other day about the resource centre and drop-in programs, which she seemed interested in. I wrote the information down for the programs and have been carrying it around for a few days. I gave it to her today so she can take her baby to the family drop in too. That was my kindness for today.

Monday, 25 March 2013

Kindness 83 and 84

Yesterday I didn't have to worry about searching for someone who needed kindness. I had one of J's friends over for the day, because his mom was at training for work. I offered to take him for the day, rather than have someone else in the family drop him off and pick him up. I just thought it was easier that way and it was much appreciated, by the mom, the friend and J.

It was partly selfish though. I love having extra kids around and we made quite the day of it. There was Lego, Marbles, playing outside, walking to the store for treats, and an indoor playground. It was a lot of fun and seven hours flew by like it was two. I was pretty tired but it was completely worth it.

Our new neighbour came over and knocked on the door last night too, asking for us to boost her car. I took the car over and my husband spent twenty minutes trying to get her car to start. I also went out because it was one of those nights I needed cookies. I picked up a specialty magazine for my husband about airbrushing (that's a type of painting as far as I know) because he wants to start doing that.

Today I had the kids on the bus. As an aside, I never take E in a stroller anymore. He is walking now and there are so many people on the bus who bring strollers on that I don't want to take up the space for people who really need it. That counts as a here and there kindness, because I only go on the bus about half the days of the year.

Now, on to the real kindness. I moved myself and both kids several times while we were on the bus, because people kept getting on who needed the seats near the front. There was a stroller we moved for, and then a wheel chair, and then a lady with a walker.

And I made some delicious potato soup to take to my sister.

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Kindness 81 and 82

Yesterday I was on my way to drop off some things a friend forgot at my house when she brought her little boy over to play with E. I was thinking that since I was out, it was a great time to perform a kindness. I thought and thought about it, and then I finally realized that taking the time to deliver the things she had forgotten was a kindness. It was so automatic to just do it, I forgot that it would have been much easier (and much less nice) to call her and have her come pick them up. I also had some toys to give to her son that my boys don't play with anymore, so I am adding that to my kindness. Unfortunately, she wasn't home and I didn't want to leave everything on her front porch. Instead, I tipped the coffee shop guy $1 and will use the toy drop off for another day.

Today I was grocery shopping and an older lady was searching for a quarter. I gave her mine and told her I had lots. She thanked me, got her cart, and starting digging in her bag again because she wanted to repay me. I told her I am doing something nice every day this year so if she wants to repay me, she could take her own quarter and give it to the donation box for charity just inside the store. She did that and we were both happy.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Kindness 80

I went to the local resource centre for a play group today, because E's feeling a bit better and we both needed to get out of the house. I donated some toys to the bin of free things for parents to take home. It wasn't much; just a few of E's old things that he's outgrown, but they're good quality and will last a while. I don't like to toot my own horn, but they were a lot nicer than the used hats and mitts and mugs that were already in there. I deliberately left the batteries in too, to save someone else the expense and so anyone taking them will know they still work.

Kindness 78 and 79.

My apologies for not posting regularly every day. Anyone reading my mom blog will know that it's been pretty busy lately. I also haven't had the chance to go out much to find people in need of kindness. I have managed though to keep it up. It's really not difficult being nice to people, but sometimes it's hard to drag myself out of the house. Fortunately, I don't feel this tired often.

Tuesday I gave banana bread to my neighbour. It's been a while since I baked anything for anyone and it's one of my favourite things to do, so I figured it was time. I also hosted a play group for toddlers here. I want to make some friends for E (or at least familiar acquaintances, he's eighteen months old) and the meetup group I'm part of seems to have a serious lack of events planned. I don't consider it a kindness myself, because my door's always open to anyone who won't judge the state of my living room. People were so appreciative that I was willing to invite them here though, I guess it counts.

Yesterday I was at the convenience store and there was a kid who was about ten trying to reach a bottle of pop. Now I don't condone any children drinking pop, but i reserve judgment and let their own parents decide. He couldn't quite reach the one he wanted on the top shelf, so I helped him. It was a small kindness, but he thanked me. I was almost okay with giving him the pop because it's good to see manners in a child his age.

Monday, 18 March 2013

Kindnesses 74 (edit), 76, and 77

Saturday I intended to make some hamburgers to deliver with the food for my sister, but I didn't have time. So instead, I tipped $2 to the local Starbucks baristas. I'm not sure how fancy their jobs are, but the name sounds fancy.

Yesterday my kindness was to deliver all the prepared meals to my sister. It's not much of a drive for most people, 40  minutes each way. I am not most people though. I made it there fine, despite my husband's written directions being North, East, etc. I have no  idea how to find North, but I made it anyway. I even made it to Tim Horton's on my way back, thanks to my sister's very extensive directions and hand-drawn map, and then on to the 401. Success!

At least that far. I somehow missed the exit back to Peterborough. I was contentedly cruising through different towns and cities and listening to Glee, and I found myself halfway to Kingston. I thought I might have been on the 401 too long. I called my husband for coordinates, and turns out I overshot the exit by 20-30 minutes. Oops. Fortunately there was an easy way home without too much backtracking, and it was a much more scenic route. It did take me about an hour and a half to get home though. Again......oops. Maybe I should leave the driving to someone else next time.

Today I am taking E to the doctor, and I will buy someone a coffee at the clinic. That will be my kindness. I never was very ambitious on Mondays.

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Kindnesses 73 and 74

Yesterday was garbage day again, and my kindness was redundant out of necessity. It was fairly windy, so when the garbage bins were emptied they all started blowing out onto the road. I went out to grab ours before it got run over, and while I was at it I took in eight more from the road. I put them at the houses they were in front of, which may not have been the right ones. I don't think anyone's going to complain about having the wrong garbage bin though, they are identical and disgustingly dirty.

Yesterday I also cooked up lots of food for my sister, who hurt herself and needs some healthy convenience meals for her family. There is at least one week's worth of food, plus leftovers. Today I am going to make some more because I didn't have time to get it all finished last night. So my kindness for today is over two days, but some things are time-consuming.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Kindness 72

Today I was in a waiting room with my 6 year-old son. There was a mother there with a boy about 2. He was running out the door at every opportunity, and he didn't appreciate being held still on his mom's lap. I reached into my bag of tricks (you learn to have a bag of tricks with your second child), and pulled out a couple of toddler-specific books to amuse him. He really liked the book about vehicles and transportation. It amused him for about five minutes, until he managed to get down and run away again. But still, every little bit helps at that age.

The toddler was called in for his appointment, and I gave the books to a boy who was a bit older to read. I got a phone call and had to go out into the hallway, so my boy Jimmy decided he was going to read to the 3 year-old. I heard him say, "Here, I'll show you. Then your mom can take a break and read magazines." I came back three minutes later to find Jimmy pointing out all the parts of a bulldozer and the mom reading a magazine. Example truly is the best way to teach a child.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Kindness 71

Today I had to take J to the doctor. While we were at the bus terminal an old man fell down. No one stopped to help him and people were so impatient they kept knocking him down again before he could get up. I took the boys right over and helped him to stand up. I made sure he was alright and we walked with him to a bench so he could sit for a bit.

I know a collective group of people tends to be rude, but this guy was about 80 years old. He was not strong and I can't believe that everyone was just knocking him back down. I had to push my way into people so I could get over to help him, and then I had to block us all from being walked on. I was not impressed.

Kindness 70

My kindness today was by proxy. My nephew was going home today, so rather than having his dad come pick him up, I insisted on driving him. They live in Oshawa, so it's not a long drive but it was much easier for us to do it than them. My sister will be on crutches for a while and they have three kids, so I was more than willing to make the drive.

When my husband got home with the car, I was so tired I would have fallen asleep driving so he did it instead. That was the proxy part. I also packed a bag of the best books I have (and I have some really great books) for my sister to read while she recovers. I wish there was more I could do, but that's it for today.

Kindness 69

My oldest has been sick recently, so our plans for the library magic show were cancelled. My nephew was still here on Monday and  I tried to get a babysitter for J so I could take the other two, but it didn't work out. So I gave my tickets to a mom walking on the street with her kids. I asked her if she had plans for the morning, and gave her the tickets to use.

The tickets were free so it didn't cost anything, but no one was allowed in without them because space was limited. The other mom was glad to have something to do with her kids, and very grateful. The two little girls were about 4 and 5, and I hope they had fun.

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Kindnesses 67 and 68

Yesterday my kindness was small, but I've been so tired and busy lately it's all I could do. I brought in several recycling bins on the street that had been left out. I also chipped the ice in our shed to get at the car seat adapter for the stroller I just gave away. It won't be safe without the adapter. Then I delivered it to my neighbour so she can use it right away. I thought it was urgent because she walks everywhere and baby's coming anytime.

Today there were two things. I took my son and nephew to a hockey game. I had a lot of fun too, but it was great to see them enjoy something so special together. I also offered to keep my nephew here for an extra night or week, because my sister just broke her leg and needs surgery. Of course he's welcome to stay anytime because he's family and I love seeing him, so I'm not sure if it counts as a kindness. I'm using it anyway though, because it's been a busy weekend and I've got nothing else.

Friday, 8 March 2013

Kindness 66

Yesterday I helped an older man onto the bus. The regular bus was being cleaned so they were using a very old bus instead. The driver had forgotten how to lower the ramp and there was a man with a walker who was having trouble. I helped him onto the bus and into a seat. The bus was being switched to the normal one at the terminal, which meant the driver had to park behind the buses for the trade. A lady got hit by a bus a couple months ago because she was behind them, so I help the man get to a safe spot on the sidewalk. There are a lot of curbs to get around, so I lifted his walker for him and helped him by hand up and down.

Today my kindness is about local safety. There is a known sexual offender who was released from federal prison and moved to Peterborough yesterday. I am going to spread the word about it and give the link with a picture to everyone I see, so people are aware. He is classified as a high-risk for repeat offenses and it's important for people to know about it. I don't want to post the link online though, because who knows if that will make me a target, so I will do it by word of mouth.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Kindness (insert correct number here)

I forgot to look at the number before I started writing, so this is the next in line. Today I am doing something a little different. Instead of holding a door for someone or giving something away or buying something, I'm using words as my kindness.

I was in the games store with the boys and the owner of the store told me his friend at the counter was having a baby in a week or so. The owner asked me if I had any advice, which I always do. It may not always be the best advice, but I'm never without an opinion on anything. I told the soon-to-be father that he will be getting tons of advice and he doesn't have to listen to any of it. If it makes sense, sure, try it out, but if it doesn't fit with their parenting style, forget it and do your own thing.

He laughed so I told him to tell his partner that same advice. It would help any new mother in the first couple of months, when we tend to doubt everything and lose all our confidence. It's the best advice any new parent could get (I think), because if we start to feel like bad parents we will turn into them, because we second-guess ourselves.

I hope he passes it along, even if it's because he thought it was funny. With the hormonal circus in the new mom's body that's going to party on, she may think of it and feel better. I wish someone had told me that when I had my first. So since I believe it's very good advice, I am counting that as my kindness today.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Kindnesses 63 and 64

 I have mentioned karma on this blog a couple of times, because I believe that it really affects us in many ways. Here's proof: Yesterday I was at the cafe at the bus terminal. Once upon a time there was a man who couldn't pay for his lunch, so I covered it for him. The guy working couldn't believe it, the guy eating couldn't believe it, and I was thinking, "It's $5, it's not going to ruin my week and it will make this guy's day better." Yesterday I was in the cafe again, buying muffins for the kids, and a very nice old man insisted on paying. He had some sort of throat problem that made it hard to hear or understand him, but he got up and paid and sat back down again and we had a chat. That, my friends, is karma.

Yesterday I also used my ten-day bus pass to help someone whose transfer didn't work. The bus system is ridiculous here. Transfers can only be used at the terminal for a different bus. You can't get on the same bus and ride home with one, nor can you use one from a bus stop. Bus fare is relatively inexpensive, but it adds up quick when you have to pay every time you board.

Today I gave some baby stuff to a neighbour who is having a baby at any time. She may have already had her baby. I gave her a bag of clothes and a stroller that goes with the car seat I gave her a couple of months ago. That served a somewhat selfish purpose too, I'll admit, because now I don't have to drop them off elsewhere. I could have sold them, but I'd rather give them to someone who needs them. Besides, she lives close so maybe I can play with the baby!

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Kindness 62

Since it felt so good to donate to worthwhile children's charities yesterday, we kept it going today. Jimmy saw that little coin roller coaster gadget at Walmart for Sick Kids donations, and I gave him about three dollars in change to play with. Side note: We donate $30 every month to Sick Kids.

Jimmy also wanted to have a friend over today, so I arranged for a play date with one of his best friends. It was an almost four hour play date, but that's okay because they were awesome and his mom needed the time to get her errands done.

I also fully intended to bake something for someone yesterday (as my loyal followers will remember), but I didn't have time. Saturday was a pretty busy day, so I baked up some oatmeal cookies today and gave some to Jimmy's friend and his parents.

Kindness 61

It was the weekly grocery shopping day. Saturday just works for us, because even though the stores are a little busier, Sunday's definitely a day for taking it a little slower. Walking in there was a person holding a donation bin for The Children's Wish Foundation. Jimmy loves to donate money to any sort of bin, so we gave him a couple of dollars to drop into the bin.

On the way out there was a table with raffle tickets for a contest, with all proceeds going to The Children's Miracle Network (or something similar, medical research for children). Jimmy got all excited again, so I gave him another couple of dollars to put into that one. We didn't take a ticket, just gave the donation.

So I donated to two worthwhile charities yesterday, and in the process saw how much my son is learning by example. He loves to help people whenever he can and often donates some of his allowance to charities like that. First he always has to have a conversation with the money taker to see what the charity is and how his or her day is going and tell him or her all about his latest video game or toy, of course. He always wants to donate though, and he understands where the money is going.

Friday, 1 March 2013

Kindness 59 and 60

Yesterday the horrible bus driver was on shift. I don't mean she's a horrible driver (although she's not a good one), but she's horrible to people. She will pass people at bus stops for no reason, she will yell at passengers and berate them for not sitting the right way, and she is just plain rude. An old lady got on the bus and I offered her my seat. She said thanks, but she would rather stand. The driver slammed on the brakes and told her in no uncertain terms that she was going to sit. The lady responded with the fact that she's 70 and can take care of herself, which set the driver off on a rant about "stupid old cows who are going to get killed, which is not her fault." That's a direct quote.

I immediately got up to talk to the old lady and help her find a seat, which she was okay with. I was angry with the bus driver, so instead of going home as planned I rode to the terminal and put in a complaint. I have heard this driver say several things that are similar, but none quite as mean as yesterday. I don't know if she will be fired or put on probation, but either way I hope my complaint changes the way she treats people.

Today I finally put an ad online for the abandoned cat on m street. I was putting it off because we were talking about adopting him. He's good with the kids and very affectionate, but that still doesn't change the fact that it's a health risk for us. My husband's allergic and the kids have asthma, so I posted an ad for someone who can give him a good home. The poor thing shouldn't be sleeping outside, and we can't let him in here for the night.

Those were my kindnesses for yesterday and today. Tomorrow I will give some banana bread to someone. I have the urge to do that soon.