Saturday, 23 March 2013

Kindness 81 and 82

Yesterday I was on my way to drop off some things a friend forgot at my house when she brought her little boy over to play with E. I was thinking that since I was out, it was a great time to perform a kindness. I thought and thought about it, and then I finally realized that taking the time to deliver the things she had forgotten was a kindness. It was so automatic to just do it, I forgot that it would have been much easier (and much less nice) to call her and have her come pick them up. I also had some toys to give to her son that my boys don't play with anymore, so I am adding that to my kindness. Unfortunately, she wasn't home and I didn't want to leave everything on her front porch. Instead, I tipped the coffee shop guy $1 and will use the toy drop off for another day.

Today I was grocery shopping and an older lady was searching for a quarter. I gave her mine and told her I had lots. She thanked me, got her cart, and starting digging in her bag again because she wanted to repay me. I told her I am doing something nice every day this year so if she wants to repay me, she could take her own quarter and give it to the donation box for charity just inside the store. She did that and we were both happy.

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