146: I let J have a friend over for the whole afternoon, which was a kindness to both him and his friend. It also helped out his friend's mom because she had to work on the weekend, so it gave her less to worry about knowing he was here having fun.
147: I made a really special dinner for my boys today. It hit me that one of the most fun dinners is also one of the healthiest. I cooked up some spicy beef and chopped up some veggies and we had tacos. J and E designed their own, which made quite a mess. It was really fun though, and instead of complaining about eating vegetables, J piled lettuce, carrots and cheese on his taco shell and couldn't wait to have seconds. I think I'll make it a weekly affair. It counts as a kindness because I think it's important for the people you love the most to get the best of you. And vegetables. They need vegetables too.
148: Since I dedicated 146 to J, 148 is for E. I took him to the park for a special day with Mommy while J was at school. We had a picnic and splashed in the water, climbed some tree stumps (his legs aren't long enough for whole trees yet) and made some friends. I also brought along a load of homemade granola bars to share (nut-free, of course) among the other families there, in case anyone thinks I'm getting lazy about my kindnesses.
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