Sunday, 22 September 2013

Kindnesses 257-259

257: I went to pick up my police check today so I can volunteer for the school trip next week. I'm chalking it up to one for the kids, because if there aren't enough parent volunteers, they can't have the trips.

258: E's birthday party was today. I have baked enough in this lifetime that usually it works out, but for reasons beyond my control (the wrong flour and then the wrong mixer) I ended up with two inedible cakes. Well, not inedible but definitely not birthday-party worthy. So my kindness today was to buy a cake for the party. This was for E, who loved the novelty of a chocolate cake with orange flowers but also for the attendees of the party, who weren't forced to eat my sub-par attempts at cake.

259: I took the kids to the park today and there was a lady with her young girl sharing cracker crumbs with the ducks. I heard her say they'd have to bring bread next time and I offered to grab her some from our car. A couple weeks ago we tried to go duck-feeding, but it didn't work out so the bread's been sitting there, not fit for human consumption but okay for begging birds. The lady and her daughter were very happy to have bread to give to the ducks.

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