Sunday, 6 January 2013

Good Deed 5 and 6

I didn't write yesterday but that doesn't mean I failed in my mission. I still completed my good deed though. I went out to a Chapters, and despite everyone there being in a horrible mood, I  opened the door for an elderly lady while leaving. There were more people coming, so it turned into holding the door for a family of four, a middle-aged couple, and another lady. I smiled and was polite to everyone, although I was in a pretty bad mood myself. The first lady was appreciative, the parents of the family gave me dirty looks, the couple was grateful, and the other lady ignored me. Two out of four isn't bad, although I think people should be a little more congenial, especially if someone is doing something nice for them.

During my excursion, most people were pushy, rude, and generally grouchy. The coffee I got at Starbucks was the wrong size the first time they made it, and the wrong kind the second time. This didn't do anything for my disposition, but it does lead to my good deed for today. Because of the first mistake I got a certificate for a free hot beverage, any size and kind. I gave it to the cashier at the grocery store today, because she joked that she hadn't had a coffee yet. I figured she could get a large caffeinated something or other on her lunch break. She accepted the free coffee readily, but didn't say thank you.

The discouraging reactions to my good deeds this weekend made me consider whether I should just do nice things when people don't know it's me. But then I thought that would not really serve my purpose. I don't need recognition, but I do want to make other people think about being nicer to others on a whole, and I'm not going to make anyone think about anything if I do it all secretly. So no matter how rude or unappreciative people are, I will try to do more noticeable good things to set an example.

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