Monday, 28 January 2013

Good Deeds 27 and 28

I have a confession. Yesterday I did not do a good deed. It was not for lack of trying though. I was nice to everyone I met, but until the evening I had no inspiration whatsoever for a kind act. In the afternoon the power went out. It was out for a while, and we had to go buy candles in case it was off all night. I thought that since everyone on our street was out of power, it would be nice to buy someone else dinner. Obviously, no one could cook. So I had my husband drop me off at my friend and neighbour's house to see if she wanted us to bring them back some dinner. She said no. So my one good idea of the day was not to be.

Today I made up for it though. It snowed quite a bit, starting last night. I waited for the snow to stop and took the kids out to shovel some driveways. We did ours, the one next door, and the one across the street (which was the driveway of my friend who wouldn't let me buy dinner). She had done hers earlier, but it was still snowing and I thought I would save her the trouble of doing it again.

Now here's a thought. She told me that she and her boy would come over to shovel our driveway the next time it snows. She is a very kind person and one to repay any favour, but not many people are like that. People are being a lot more friendly and helpful to me since I made this resolution. So I'm making some sort of difference.

Another difference I notice is in my five year old son. He asks me every day now how I have filled a bucket, and is very interested in what I'm doing. He's even started filling his own buckets by being nice to his brother and doing chores without being asked. He is happy that we are nice to people "just because," and that's worth 365 days of random kindness for sure.

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