Monday, 14 January 2013

Good Deeds 13 and 14

I had a thought. After only 12 days of doing good deeds it was getting very difficult to think up some big fancy ones for the rest of the month (never mind the rest of the year). So I have decided that my acts of kindness don't have to be big and fancy. There are plenty of people who stand and do nothing while someone could use help, and what makes the good deeds significant is that I won't do that.

So in the interest of just being kind to people, yesterday I held the door open to a store while someone was bringing an armload of bags out. Today I put up the seat on the bus for someone with a stroller, and helped her three year old to a seat so she wouldn't fall over when the bus started moving.

There were plenty of people on that bus who were closer to the situation than I, who chose not to help. I'm trying to make a difference by being the one who will always help.

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