215: I took the kids to the gym so they could play basketball. Well, their versions of basketball anyway. J gets his athletic ability from me, and he will never be an all-star. E is pretty good at anything sporty, but he's also 2. Back to the point though, while I was there I took in some coupons for the staff who run the child care centre. I always forget to use them so I offered them to the ladies who work there. All of the coupons were taken, and one girl seemed very excited about saving $2 on apple sauce.
216: I went over to my friend's house to look after the kids so she could go out to a concert with her family. Her sister is visiting from England and I wanted to help her out so they could do some really fun stuff together. She then gave me a gift card to show her appreciation, which was lovely. I felt a bit bad though, because I wanted to help them and she always does nice things for me, so I didn't expect anything.
217: I donated to the Salvation Army today. Those people rarely say thank you.
218: I gave a hair elastic to a woman in the change room. I always keep extras in my gym bag, and I offered it to her after she tried several times to put her hair up with a pencil. Yes, that works but there's a trick to it. And it won't stay in for cardio.
219: There was a woman at the bus stop we see every week. She couldn't find her bus fare when she got on the bus. We talk to her regularly and she is very nice to the kids (which is my biggest factor in judging a person for general "goodness") so I lent her the fare. She felt bad but I insisted. She knows which house we live in so I told her to just leave it in the mail box when she can pay us back. I know she will.
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